Protection Cluster |
Emergency Shelter Solutions and Standards |
Humanitarian principles |
Strategic Considerations in Shelter Responses |
Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion |
Protection in Armed Conflict |
Shelter needs assessment |
WASH in Emergencies |
Energy needs |
Sexual and Reproductive Health (including HIV) |
Nutrition specific interventions to prevent and treat malnutrition in emergencies |
Nutrition needs assessment |
Designing nutrition programmes in emergencies |
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) |
MOUs and LOUs with partners |
Multi-cluster / sector Initial Rapid Needs Assessment (MIRA) |
International Coordination Architecture |
Mortality surveillance threshold |
Primary health care staffing standard |
Primary health care coverage standard |
Vaccination coverage standard |
Primary health care utilisation threshold |
Health needs assessment |
Health at points of entry and access points |
Medical referral care |
Health out of camps |
Capacity Building for Emergencies |
Disease surveillance thresholds |
Health in camps and settlements |
Housing, Land and Property (HLP) |
Multimedia content gathering |
WASH needs assessment in refugee emergencies |
Access to territory and non-refoulement |
Temporary Protection |
Prima facie approach to recognition of refugee status |
Resettlement and complementary pathways in an emergency |
Population estimation techniques |
Humanitarian programme cycle (IASC) |
Cluster Approach |
Requesting emergency deployments from UNHCR internal deployment mechanism |
Requesting deployments from emergency standby partners |
Requesting service packages from standby partners |
In-Kind Non-Food Item Distribution |
UNHCR Policy on Emergency Preparedness and Response |
In case of sexual assault during employment |
Business Continuity Planning |
Civil - military coordination |
Emergency Response Preparedness approach (IASC) |
Emergency Response Preparedness - Minimum Preparedness Actions (IASC) |
Emergency Response Preparedness - Advanced Preparedness Actions (IASC) |