Displaying 51 - 100 of 109
Title of entry Last major update date
Protection Cluster
Emergency Shelter Solutions and Standards
Humanitarian principles
Strategic Considerations in Shelter Responses
Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion
Protection in Armed Conflict
Shelter needs assessment
WASH in Emergencies
Energy needs
Sexual and Reproductive Health (including HIV)
Nutrition specific interventions to prevent and treat malnutrition in emergencies
Nutrition needs assessment
Designing nutrition programmes in emergencies
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)
MOUs and LOUs with partners
Multi-cluster / sector Initial Rapid Needs Assessment (MIRA)
International Coordination Architecture
Mortality surveillance threshold
Primary health care staffing standard
Primary health care coverage standard
Vaccination coverage standard
Primary health care utilisation threshold
Health needs assessment
Health at points of entry and access points
Medical referral care
Health out of camps
Capacity Building for Emergencies
Disease surveillance thresholds
Health in camps and settlements
Housing, Land and Property (HLP)
Multimedia content gathering
WASH needs assessment in refugee emergencies
Access to territory and non-refoulement
Temporary Protection
Prima facie approach to recognition of refugee status
Resettlement and complementary pathways in an emergency
Population estimation techniques
Humanitarian programme cycle (IASC)
Cluster Approach
Requesting emergency deployments from UNHCR internal deployment mechanism
Requesting deployments from emergency standby partners
Requesting service packages from standby partners
In-Kind Non-Food Item Distribution
UNHCR Policy on Emergency Preparedness and Response
In case of sexual assault during employment
Business Continuity Planning
Civil - military coordination
Emergency Response Preparedness approach (IASC)
Emergency Response Preparedness - Minimum Preparedness Actions (IASC)
Emergency Response Preparedness - Advanced Preparedness Actions (IASC)

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