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Advocacy in emergencies

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Key points
  • Advocacy, as part of a protection strategy and complement to programming, is a critical tool that can be used, often in combination with other interventions, to advance protection outcomes in the short and long term
  • Advocacy represents a spectrum of approaches and tactics, including those that are more public-facing and those that are private and conducted behind closed doors. The specific advocacy actions pursued should reflect a rigorous risk assessment as well as the mandate and value-add of UNHCR and be grounded in an overarching strategy or plan
  • Advocacy is often the most effective when it is done in collaborative ways. This includes ensuring coordination with partners and allies, building alliances and networks, and taking forward joint or complementary advocacy initiatives that leverage the roles, voices, and strengths of different stakeholders, including affected communities, civil society and human rights partners and other protection allies
  • Ensure evidence-based and participatory approaches to advocacy that are grounded in robust data and reflect the experiences and priorities of the communities, people, and partners we are working with and for
  • Adhere to pertinent sign-off procedures with management and involve relevant colleagues and partners at the country, regional, and global levels. Additionally, ensure ongoing monitoring and feedback in relation to advocacy actions, to feed into adaptive strategies and ongoing risk assessment

Post emergency phase

Advocacy efforts should be aligned with specific objectives that reflect particular protection risks and phases of crisis but ultimately, it is an ongoing activity that forms a critical dimension of any protection strategy. In the post-emergency phase, advocacy objectives may shift to longer term aims more focused on remedial and environment building actions, while remaining responsive to urgent protection risks and response needs. During the post-emergency phase, after-action reviews of relevant advocacy actions taken during the emergency response can be very helpful in terms of understanding contributions to change as well as how to strengthen ongoing advocacy (including needed partnerships and collaboration) going forward.

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