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Emergency Registration

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Key points
  • UNHCR should deploy qualified registration staff as soon as possible to assess, support, and develop a registration strategy and implementation plan
  • Registration is costly. Make sure that adequate human and financial resources are allocated for registration activities
  • Identify and prioritize persons with specific needs at all stages of registration
  • Involve and coordinate with Government, UN sister agencies (WFP, UNICEF, etc.), NGOs and the refugee community
  • Inform all stakeholders broadly about registration procedures, emphasizing data protection, using a variety of formats and channels

Fase posterior a la emergencia

Emergency Registration typically serves as an initial step in supporting UNHCR’s response to an emergency influx, leading to a more detailed individual registration, such as for determining refugee status or exploring long-term solution pathways. Consequently, registration processes evolve over time, and the stakeholders may shift, as seen when registration responsibilities transfer from UNHCR to the Government. Recognizing these dynamics early on is crucial.

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