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Requesting emergency deployments from UNHCR internal deployment mechanism

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Key points
  • Country operations under emergency declaration (L1, L2, L3) can request additional staff from UNHCR internal emergency deployment mechanisms. The roster members are trained and on call to be deployed to emergency operations at short notice.
  • First responder mechanisms of the Regional Bureaux and corporate missions from HQ divisions and other operations complement the global emergency deployment mechanisms.
  • Emergency deployment requests from the internal deployment mechanisms need to include TORs and to be endorsed by the Representative and the Regional Bureau.
  • To request an emergency deployment, contact the Emergency Preparedness, Deployments and Partnerships Section (EPDPS) in the Division of Emergency, Security and Supply (DESS).

Post emergency phase

While operations may request deployments from internal or standby partner deployment schemes at any time during which they are covered by an emergency declaration (L1, L2 or L3), emergency operations are required to look at sustainable staffing options from the start, and to think about the medium- and longer-term staffing plans. 

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