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Requesting service packages from standby partners

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Key points
  • Emergency standby partners are able to deploy service packages (i.e a set of equipment, usually supported by deployees to manage or install it).
  • A service package can be a tented ‘base camp', a fully equipped deep field staff accommodation and office solution, as an interim solution until more sustainable solutions are identified. More durable structures such as prefabricated or constructed modules for accommodation, offices for UNHCR or UNHCR-run UN Hubs are also available options implemented by standby partners.
  • The availability of a service package will depend on the standby partner’s funding as well as the availability of the required equipment and staffing.
  • A country operation that has identified a need for a Service Package or a potential project, can contact the Emergency Preparedness, Deployments and Partnerships Section (EPDPS) in the Division of Emergency, Security and Supply (DESS) at [email protected], keeping the Senior Occupational Safety Officer in copy.

Post emergency phase

Service packages such as tented base camps are deployed to provide support in an initial emergency phase, with a limited lifespan depending on weather conditions as well as wear and tear (from 2 weeks up to a year, as stated above). This capacity is deployed with the understanding that the country operation will look at establishing more sustainable accommodation and/or office arrangements, should it be required. In some circumstances, service packages can also consist of longer-term construction projects for accommodation, office or operational facilities in emergency or protracted crises contexts. The country operation should therefore consider the requirements from the onset as well as the next phases. 

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