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Persons with disabilities

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النقاط الرئيسية
  • Do not assume that disability is visible. Seek to proactively identify individuals with disabilities, including those with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities
  • Inclusive disability programming is not just about providing ramps and wheelchairs. It is about identifying and mitigating barriers to access assistance and protection and addressing discrimination and other protection risks faced by persons with disabilities
  • Consult persons with disabilities and their families to identify their needs and capacities and understand what barriers impede the effectiveness of protection and assistance programs.
  • Consult persons with disabilities when you decide the content of food and non-food assistance packages; ensure that distribution arrangements are accessible
  • Make sure the language you use to describe persons with disabilities respects their dignity and humanity. (Speak of 'persons with a disability' rather than 'the disabled' or 'handicapped people'. Do not use acronyms like "PWD" as they contribute to labelling)

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