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The Global Compact on Refugees in emergencies

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Key points
  • Appoint a dedicated member of staff (a Global Compact on Refugees [GCR] focal point) to oversee the implementation of the GCR within the emergency response in your organization
  • Review existing pledges relevant to the country operation made by the host government, donors and other actors to assess whether these can be activated in support of the response
  • Support the host country government in establishing an interministerial working group to develop a comprehensive response plan (paragraph 21 of the GCR) in alignment with the Refugee Coordination Model (RCM) and the Refugee Response Plan (RRP)
  • You can see if your country is one of the more than 50 in which UN agencies have signed up to the UN Common Pledge on its summary page. UNHCR and UN agencies in the country can activate the UN Common Pledge by contacting the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator, who can provide detailed guidance on how to leverage this pledge in emergency settings
  • Mobilize the thematic multi-stakeholder pledges and regional Support Platforms in support of the RRP
  • Leverage the existing or planned development funding of multilateral development banks (MDBs) and development actors to ensure socioeconomic inclusion and access to national services for refugees on par with that of nationals

Post emergency phase

  • In the post-emergency phase, it is important to mobilize national and local governments, MDBs and development actors to leverage their existing or planned development funding to ensure socioeconomic inclusion and access to national services for refugees on par with that of nationals.
  • Advocate with the government and other stakeholders to submit pledges at the GRF. The GRF provides important opportunities to make an extra push for States to submit new pledges or implement existing ones, and to call for upscaled support for refugee resilience, easing pressure on the host country and unlocking solutions in third countries or in countries of origin by way of voluntary returns.
  • Give visibility to existing policy pledges at future events (such as the GRF, the High-Level Officials Meeting, regional meetings, donor missions, etc.) to advocate for resource mobilization and implementation.

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