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Shelter Cluster

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Key points
  • Contact UNHCR's Global Shelter Cluster Section in the Division of Resilience and Solutions (DRS) as soon as there is an indication that cluster activation will be discussed. This permits the section to provide guidance and support effectively.
  • UNHCR leads the shelter cluster in conflict-related emergencies. Representatives should consult UNHCR's Global Shelter Cluster Section if they feel their office cannot take the lead, as a decision not to lead the shelter cluster contradicts UNHCR policy and guidance and can have important operational and reputational consequences.
  • The appointment of a NGO partner or a government body as co-chair is encouraged by the IASC, where appropriate and possible, but should be made after consulting UNHCR's Global Shelter Cluster Section because the decision has important consequences.
  • Coordinating a cluster is a full-time job. It should not be merged with another function. A dedicated full-time Shelter Cluster Coordination Officer and a full time Information Management Officer should be appointed. Other coordination positions (Information Manager, Technical Coordinator, Sub-national Cluster Coordinators) are normally also required.
  • UNHCR's Global Shelter Cluster Section can deploy surge capacity for Coordination but also Information Management at short notice to help establish a cluster or support during an emergency situation. It can also provide support and advice from headquarters.

Post emergency phase

UNHCR and IFRC, as Shelter Cluster co-lead agencies at global level, work in close partnership with shelter actors to develop common approaches for shelter responses while developing more specific tools and methodologies for Disasters and Conflict contexts, which might include longer-term considerations. The Shelter Cluster develops an overarching strategy to provide a harmonized, efficient and effective humanitarian shelter response and support resource mobilization efforts.

Given the often long-term impact of shelter interventions, it is essential to ensure that appropriate approaches and technical solutions are defined based on good practices, needs, and capacities. Advocacy with donors and government is a key activity of a Shelter Cluster in order to get funding for cluster partners and support for issues such as land allocation or other HLP issues. The Shelter Cluster Coordinator also plays a crucial role in advancing coordination and cooperation between different sectors’ intervention (e.g. WASH, Protection, Early Recovery (where existing), etc.). Country Shelter Clusters should coordinate and provide inputs to the shelter sector sections of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) and its outputs including the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP).

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