Displaying 1 - 50 of 110
Title of entry Last major update date
The Global Compact on Refugees in emergencies
Safe and Secure Settlements
Transit centres
Partnership Management for Emergency Preparedness and Response
Advocacy in emergencies
IDP definition
Older persons
Persons with disabilities
Child protection
Accountability to affected people (AAP)
Connectivity for refugees
Coordination skills, methods and good practices
Emergency food assistance standard
Food security needs assessment
The Use of Military and Civil Defence Assets (MCDA)
Working with the host government
Inter-agency Refugee Response Plans (RRPs)
In case of conflict with colleagues or partners
Needs assessment for refugee emergencies (NARE)
UNHCR’s Engagement in Situations of Internal Displacement
UNHCR’s mandate for refugees and stateless persons, and its role in IDP situations
Principles & Standards for Settlement Planning
Settlement Typologies in Emergencies
Protection Cluster
Third country nationals’ definition
Minorities and indigenous peoples
Strategic Considerations in Shelter Responses
Humanitarian principles
Emergency Shelter Solutions and Standards
Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion
Age, gender and diversity (AGD)
Community-Based Protection (CBP)
Protecting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) persons
Overview Persons at Risk
Protection in Armed Conflict
Departure Handover and Return
Refugee Status Determination (RSD)
Shelter needs assessment
Energy needs
WASH in Emergencies
Nutrition specific interventions to prevent and treat malnutrition in emergencies
Sexual and Reproductive Health (including HIV)
Nutrition needs assessment
Designing nutrition programmes in emergencies
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)
International Coordination Architecture
Multi-cluster / sector Initial Rapid Needs Assessment (MIRA)
MOUs and LOUs with partners
Evaluations of emergency operations
Primary health care coverage standard

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