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Individual accommodation in communities

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Key points
  • Promote the use of cash assistance for accessing rental opportunities to rapidly meet housing needs for forcibly displaced people.
  • Advocate for and support an increase and/or upgrade of rental stock, while minimizing the impact of speculation on the rental market.
  • Support livelihood activities that will increase the self-reliance of the forcibly displaced community in an autonomous manner.
  • Ensure that tenancy agreements protect tenants from discrimination, abuse, exploitation and forced eviction.
  • Consider and monitor protection risks associated with security conditions and specific needs, such as child protection, GBV and SEA.
  • Consider the national and local economy and the opportunities for persons of concern to become self-reliant, build sustainable livelihoods and contribute to the community. Consider how the influx will impact the host populations' ability to access livelihoods or services.
  • Consider the impact of the increase of the displaced population on communal facilities and infrastructure that serve areas with rental opportunities.

Post emergency phase

Rental accommodation is a good way to rapidly meet housing needs when cash assistance is swiftly deployed, and/or when forcibly displaced people have the means to afford it. It provides opportunities for greater engagement of individuals, families and communities in the planning, implementation, and ownership of their living conditions.

Establish transition plans early to facilitate the transition from cash assistance to self-sufficiency through livelihood opportunities. These plans should consider ways to transition towards long-term financial independence, and sustained access to affordable and/or social housing schemes and necessary documentation. Advocate for more housing stock via social schemes or private sector collaboration, while controlling speculation. Ensure that the rental expenditures do not hinder the displaced families access to education, healthcare, and other essential services. Finally, fostering adequate support networks and community integration initiatives are essential to ensure a smooth transition and to help the displaced better integrate. 

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