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WASH needs assessment in refugee emergencies

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Key points
  • Conduct an initial rapid WASH assessment within the first 3 days from the onset of the emergency
  • The initial rapid WASH assessment should be coordinated and supervised by an experienced WASH professional and jointly undertaken with WASH actors and local stakeholders already present in the area
  • A multifunctional coordination team approach involving health, nutrition, shelter, site planning and WASH should be ensured at all levels as these sectors are interlinked

Post emergency phase

  • The findings of an initial rapid WASH assessment should guide the level and type of WASH intervention that are offered in transit centres and where refugees finally settle. 
  • An initial rapid WASH assessment is a preliminary estimate. It should be succeeded by a more comprehensive rapid household survey as soon as the situation allows, and no later than 3-6 months after an emergency starts. A KAP (Knowledge, Attitude and Practice) survey is afterwards needed (at least once a year) to assess and adjust the WASH intervention strategy and should be based on the Global WASH KAP tools (accessible to UNHCR staff only) (global, but adaptable questionnaire; WASH KAP analyser; WASH KAP mapper; WASH KAP report template). WASH related key informant questions & suggestions for Focus Group Discussions can be found in the UNHCR WASH Assessment Primer Questions (2015) on the UNHCR WASH website. 

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