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Civil - military coordination

Key points
  • Work with OCHA CMCS or the individual appointed to establish civil military coordination. Understand the specific UN-CMCoord strategy for the operation.
  • Establish who is participating in UN-CMCoord cell meetings, and channel relevant requests or concerns to them.
  • Understand how Government and local authorities coordinate with the military. Understand how partners and other relevant actors coordinate with the military. Share this information with the UN-CMCoord officer.
  • Establish and share contact details with CIMIC personnel (if the HCT/UNCT has determined that they are the appropriate interlocutor).
  • Understand in which sectors, and where, the military are operating and how their operating methods may differ from those of other actors.
  • Understand the security environment in which you operate, and risks that may arise from associating with the military.
  • Understand the military structure and hierarchy.
  • Build and use networks, in accordance with country or other guidelines.
  • Avoid public criticism of any actor.
  • Determine whether the operation depends on military and civil defence assets (MCDA). If it does, identify additional or alternative forms of delivery.
  • Review plans for phasing out military assets and factor these into operational planning.

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