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Education in Emergencies

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Key points
  • Work towards inclusion in national education systems from the start of an emergency, ensuring that initial programming supports and contributes to sustained access to all levels of education.
  • Engage Ministry of Education and local education officials in the planning and operationalization of the response.
  • Consider the educational needs of children and youth of all ages, including those who may have missed out on schooling or be overage. Include secondary school-aged children and university-aged youth in the education response.
  • Foster complementarity between the early phase of the education response and child protection initiatives.
  • Identify specific barriers to participation in education based on gender, disability, ethnicity or other factors during assessments and design interventions to support enrolment and retention.

Post emergency phase

The education response must be implemented in such a way that access to education can be sustained over the full period of displacement.  Following the acute phase of the emergency, further negotiation may be needed with the host country authorities to ensure that:

  • refugees, displaced and stateless persons’ needs are taken into consideration in national crisis response and education sector plans;
  • education projects supported by development actors also consider the needs of displaced persons and that, where relevant, support programmes are extended to include displaced persons;

Where necessary, response actors may need to work with government to ensure that policies are formalized which guarantee long-term access to education and that procedures are in place to recognise prior learning, facilitate placement in appropriate grades, and allow access to certification – under conditions similar to those applied to nationals.

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