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Migrant definition

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النقاط الرئيسية
  • Do not ignore mixed movements or migration. Mixed movements may include asylum-seekers and refugees. Movements that are characterised as ‘migration' may in reality be refugee or mixed movements.
  • Implement and support protection-sensitive entry systems that refer those who arrive in mixed movements to processes, procedures and services that respond appropriately to their needs.
  • Do not forget that mixed and migratory movements involve countries of origin, countries of ‘transit' and countries of ‘destination', each in different ways. Response strategies must take all three into account.
  • Collaborate with State authorities, IOM, and other partners on responses mixed movements, including in some appropriate cases on the evacuation of non-nationals and safeguards for those who may be in need of international protection.
  • Ensure that refugee protection principles are respected in all inter-agency and State responses to migration and mixed movements.

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