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Population estimation techniques

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Key points
  • Each emergency situation is different, and therefore the choice of method(s) for estimating populations must reflect the diversity of contexts and available resources. Prioritize your information needs, assess the local capacity and the context, and choose the most appropriate methodology(ies) to produce population estimates. Document how UNHCR will use the population estimates at country and regional levels
  • Producing population estimates is usually a multi-agency effort. It is essential to identify and convene key actors to agree on a common approach and to review and agree on the estimates prior to their publication
  • Methods for rapid estimation exercises do not usually generate population figures of good quality, because sample sizes are often small and techniques are not representative. If resources allow, develop a robust estimation plan to ensure that the data collected is interoperable with other data and can be used to support other activities, such as needs assessments
  • Triangulate the available primary and secondary data; assess its quality, including its accuracy and timeliness, and the reliability of the data’s source
  • Validate your estimates and publish them following the CORE guidance. Population estimates must be reviewed and cleared by the Representative and, as appropriate, key stakeholders and coordination mechanisms (e.g., the regional or national information management working group), and the government

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