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Third country nationals’ definition

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النقاط الرئيسية
  • In situations in which two States are concerned, a third country national (TCN) is any person who is not a national of either State; or, in the context of regional organizations, nationals of States who are not member States of such organization
  • Some third country nationals may require refugee protection, where they cannot return to their country of origin, which is unable or unwilling to protect them from persecution or other threats to life, freedom or physical integrity arising from armed conflict, serious public disorder, or different situations of violence. Other third country nationals, while not in need of international protection may still may not be able to return to their countries of origin (owing to certain vulnerability factors or other grounds, including humanitarian considerations)
  • UNHCR should participate in inter-agency mechanisms to ensure the protection needs of people with and for whom UNHCR works are met
  • In mixed movements, distinguish other TCNs from asylum-seekers, refugees, stateless persons and refer them to the appropriate national entities and other service providers, unless they require refugee protection
  • In some situations, third country nationals may find themselves stranded in the countries in which they reside (see also the entry Migrants in Countries in Crisis)

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